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{Tutorial} How to add a bag bottom and bag feet

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Bag feet are a sophisticated touch and adding a bag bottom can greatly enhance the silhouette and convenience of your bag, so today let’s have a ” How to add a bag bottom and bag feet tutorial

There are many ways to add a rigid or semi-rigid bottom to a bag, the method I propose here is quick, easy and allows you to add structure to any flat bottom bag, even store bought ones. The installation of the bag bottom is combined with the purse feet installation.

How to add a bag bottom and bag feet tutorial

For this tutorial I will add a bag bottom and bag feet to the Ava bag. This technique can be applied to any bag with a flat bottom : you can also use it for the Alex bag or the Annie bag for example.


  • 4 purse feet, they look like large brads.
  • Ultra firm heavyweight sew-in stabilizer : like Jeffytex or Pellon 70 Peltex

The feet size is a matter of aesthetic and personal preference. My choice here for the Ava bag is to use 9 mm=3/8″ (diameter) feet.

Pieds de sac - Molleton rigide Jeffytex
Bag feet – Jeffytex ultra firm stabilizer

Prepare your bag

If it is a store-bought bag or a bag that you’ve finished sewing you’ll have to open the lining bottom seam using a seam ripper. An opening of 15 cm (6″) is usually enough.

If you’re still sewing your bag, install the semi-rigid bottom and feet before closing the opening in the lining.

Ouvrir la couture au fond de la doublure.
Open the lining bottom seam.

Cut the ultra firm stabilizer

Cut a rectangle :

  • Length = length of the bottom of your bag – 1 cm (3/8″).
  • Width = depth of your bag at the base.

Ex. for the Ava bag I’m cutting 29 cm long by 9 cm wide rectangle.

Mesurer le fond du sac et couper le molleton.
Measure the bottom of the bag and cut the stabilizer.


Mark and slash the markings on the stabilizer

1- On the stabilizer trace the 4 feet placement markings, positioning each one in a corner and 2.5 cm (1″) from each edge.

 The position of the feet is a matter of personal and aesthetic preference, but make sure they are not too close to the edges.

Marquer les 4 repères de placement des pieds de sac.
Mark the 4 feet placements.

2- Cut through the 4 markings.

Here is how to do it without any special tool :

Through the marking, slit a cross shape with a seam ripper, then use the tip of a pen to enlarge and round the hole.

Entailler les repères au découd-vite.
Nick the marking with a seam ripper.
Agrandir le trou avec la pointe d'un stylo, crayon, petit tournevis,...
Enlarge the hole with the tip of a pen, a pencil, a small screwdriver,…

3- Trim the corners of the rectangle to round them slightly.

Arrondir les angles.
Round the corners.

Report the markings on the bag

1- Position the stabilizer against the bag bottom right side, centering it between the seams.

Hold tight (use clothespins if needed) and report, through the stabilizer holes, the 4 markings on the bottom of the bag.

To mark I use a sharpened chalk pencil.

Rapporter les repères sur le fond du sac.
Rapporter les repères sur le fond du sac.

2- Remove the stabilizer and nick carefully with a seam ripper, the 4 bag markings. During this step slide one hand in the bag, through the lining opening to make sure you nick only the intended area.

If the feet are small enough one slit will be enough, but if the feet prongs are widely spaced (it’s often the case for larger purse feet) you may need to make two slits side-by-side and then slide each prong in one of these slits.

Install bag feet and bottom

1- Slide the stabilizer inside the bag through the opening left in the lining. Slide it in place in the bag bottom.

The stabilizer is now between the bag and the lining.


Placer le rectangle de molleton au fond du sac.
Slide the stabilizer inside the bag.

2. Slide the prongs of a foot through a slit in the bag bottom, toward the inside, then slide the prongs through of the hole in the stabilizer.

Glisser les pattes des pieds de sac à travers les entailles.
Slide the prongs inside the bag.

3. Inside the bag, fold the prongs apart over the stabilizer.

Ouvrir les pattes sur le molleton.
Fold the prongs over stabilizer.

4. Repeat step 3. for the 3 remaining feet.

The feet are now holding the stabilizer inside the bag.

5. Stitch the opening in the lining close, folding in the seam allowances.

Et voilà pieds de sacs posés !
Voilà purse feet and bag bottom added !

Voilà you’ve just added a bag bottom and bag feet to your purse !

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4 thoughts on “{Tutorial} How to add a bag bottom and bag feet

  1. Excellent, excellent! I’ve been looking for detailed instructions on placing the feet. You have the best ability I’ve seen so far in conveying the smallest details. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

    Virginia, USA

    1. Thank you Donna !
      Bonne couture 🙂

  2. May I ask where you source these exact style/type of purse/bag feet from please?

    1. Hi Kathleen,
      I got them either from or
      Both are French websites.

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