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{ChaChaCha} 3 compartment bag pattern

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New Sacôtin pattern : ChaChaCha, the 3 compartment bag pattern.

{ChaChaCha} 3 compartment bag pattern

ChaChaCha is a compact, practical 3 compartment bag. Its 3 zippered compartments give you a fast way to find what you’re looking for.
Depending on your choice of fabrics, ChaChaCha can be sewn as a city bag or an evening bag.
With the adjustable shoulder strap your Chachacha can be a shoulder bag or a crossbody bag.
Les 4 strap tabs are an original design element and provide a balanced support to the bag so that the compartments do not sag when filled.

2 bag sizes ! 

The pattern includes 2 sizes : Small clutch size to carry your essentials, Medium functional bag size for all your needs.

ChaChaCha Small : width 25 cm (10″) x height 16 cm (6 3/8″)
ChaChaCha Medium : width 30 cm (12″) x height 19 cm (7 1/2″)

Bonus variation !

You know that I like to add a little bonus in my patterns when possible 🙂 … so you’ll find the ChaCha variation, with 2 compartments instead of 3, in the instructions of the pattern!

Printing advice

For the readability of the illustrations, each third of the bag is shown in a different color. We highly recommend to print the instructions in color, or to follow them on a screen.

Advice for choosing fabrics

ChaChaCha specific construction makes the seams between the 3 compartments invisible, even in the linings!
This assembly requiring many manipulations, choose fabrics that fold easily, not too thick, nor stiff.
For each ChaChaCha in picture below, I specify the fabrics used and if interfacing was applied.

ChaChaCha canvas and Liberty

Ecru lurex canvas, interfaced with one layer of Vlieseline (= vilene) G700.

Liberty Lodden cotton with 2 layers of G700 interfacing. I trimmed the seam allowance of 2nd layer of interfacing and applied it over the 1st layer, once it was cold. I applied one layer of Odicoat to protect the fabric, after interfacing.

Patron sac ChaChaCha - triple sac - 3 compartiments - Taille Medium - Sacôtin
ChaChaCha bag pattern – 3 zippered compartments – Medium size – Sacôtin
Patron sac ChaChaCha - triple zip - 3 compartiments - Sacôtin
ChaChaCha bag pattern – 3 zippered compartments – Medium size – Sacôtin
Patron sac ChaChaCha - triple sac - 3 compartiments - Taille Medium - Sacôtin
ChaChaCha bag pattern – 3 zippered compartments – Medium size – Sacôtin
Patron sac ChaChaCha - triple sac - 3 compartiments - Taille Medium - Sacôtin
ChaChaCha bag pattern – 3 zippered compartments – Medium size – Sacôtin

ChaChaCha velvet and Liberty

Purple velvet not interfaced because it shrinks a lot when pressed.

Liberty Lodden cotton with 2 layers of G700 interfacing. I trimmed the seam allowance of 2nd layer of interfacing and applied it over the 1st layer, once it was cold. I applied one layer of Odicoat to protect the fabric, after interfacing.

Patron sac ChaChaCha - triple zip - 3 compartiments - Taille Small - Sacôtin
ChaChaCha bag pattern – 3 zippered compartments – Small size – Sacôtin
Patron sac ChaChaCha - triple zip - 3 compartiments - Taille Small - Sacôtin
ChaChaCha bag pattern – 3 zippered compartments – Small size – Sacôtin
Patron sac ChaChaCha - triple zip - 3 compartiments - Sacôtin
ChaChaCha bag pattern – 3 zippered compartments – Small size – Sacôtin
Patron sac ChaChaCha - triple zip - 3 compartiments - Taille Small - Sacôtin
ChaChaCha bag pattern – 3 zippered compartments – Small size – Sacôtin

ChaCha variation (2 compartments) faux suede and Liberty

Yellow faux-suede interfaced with one layer of Vlieseline (= vilene) G700.

Liberty Lodden cotton with 2 layers of G700 interfacing. I trimmed the seam allowance of 2nd layer of interfacing and applied it over the 1st layer, once it was cold. I applied one layer of Odicoat to protect the fabric, after interfacing.

Variante ChaCha - pochette 2 compartiments - Sacôtin
ChaCha variation – 2 zippered compartments – Sacôtin

ChaCha variation (2 compartments) vinyl and cotton

Black vinyl (not interfaced).

Cotton scissors print (collection  « Sewing Studio 2 » by Cynthia Frenette for Robert Kaufman), interfaced with one layer of Vlieseline (= vilene) G700.

For the double-sided strap see the Two-tone or double-sided strap Tutorial.

Variante ChaCha - pochette 2 compartiments - Sacôtin
ChaCha variation – 2 zippered compartments – Sacôtin
Variante ChaCha - pochette 2 compartiments - Sacôtin
ChaCha variation – 2 zippered compartments – Sacôtin

ChaChaCha glitter vinyl

Black glitter vinyl (not interfaced).

I tested a diamond shaped quilting using flexible foam. As this adds volume, which makes assembly more difficult, I do not advise to try this for your first ChaChaCha.

Patron sac ChaChaCha - triple zip - 3 compartiments - Taille Small - Sacôtin
ChaChaCha bag pattern – 3 zippered compartments – Small size – Sacôtin

ChaChaCha faux-leather fashion fabric

Red faux-leather fashion fabric, thin and supple (not interfaced). The linings are quilting cottons and are not interfaced.

Patron ChaChaCha Sacôtin - triple sac - 3 compartiments - Tailles Small et Medium
ChaChaCha bag pattern – 3 zippered compartments – Small and Medium sizes – Sacôtin

ChaChaCha worn !

Here are some pictures of the bags worn, for you to get a better sense of their size.

ChaChaCha Medium

Some of your ChaChaCha

These are the latest bags sewn by you, using the ChaChaCha bag pattern.

View more here, on Pinterest.

  • Sac ChaChaCha en simili et imprimé fleuri fond blanc cousu par Sophie - Patron
  • Sac ChaChaCha en simili matelassé et ajout de rabat cousu par Valérie - Patron
  • Sac ChaChaCha en simili cuir Sauvage de chez La Mercerie des Créateurs cousu par L Entrefyl - Patron
  • Sac ChaChaCha en recyclage de veste et simili par Nanou sac  - Patron
  • Sac triple ChaChaCha en simili Vicente fauve et simili marron vachette cousu par Michèle Enclin créations - Patron
  • Sac ChaChaCha en simili noir et lainage pied de poule cousu par Valérie - Patron
  • Instagram
  • Sac ChaChaCha en fausse fourrure blanche cousu par Nad - Patron
  • Sarapic&Co. | Et le deuxième mais pour moi cette fois-ci 😁😍 #sacotinaddict #chachacha #diy #sacamains #tissusaddict #faitmains | Instagram
  • Sac triple ChaChaCha en simili beach star amande et broderie Urban Threads cousu par Magalie - patron
  • Sac ChaCha double compartiment liège, papillon et toile à sac cousu par @L'Atelier de Mamy - Patron
  • Sac triple ChaChaCha cousu par Rimbaud - Patron Sacôtin
  • Photo Instagram de De Pauline à Pauline • 28 août 2024, 18:33
  • la fougnette | #madeinardeche #madeinfrance #faitmain #fabricationfrancaise #artisanatfrancais #coutureaddict #laurephelipon #lafougnette #pieceunique… | Instagram
  • la fougnette | #madeinardeche #madeinfrance #faitmain #fabricationfrancaise #artisanatfrancais #coutureaddict #laurephelipon #lafougnette #pieceunique… | Instagram
  • Eva Zigzak | Mon nouveau sac sortit tout droit de ma mac! Trop contente du résultat, avec des petits couacs en route mais j'ai finiiiiii! Un modèle pas… | Instagram
  • la fougnette | #madeinfrance #madeinardeche #faitmain #fabricationfrancaise #chats #laurephelipon #lafougnette #pieceunique #sacôtin #lafougnette… | Instagram
  • Valérie Sru | Le voilà enfin !!! 1 sac, 2 versions, une face unie et une face bicolore. #chachasacotin #sacbicolore #sacotinaddict | Instagram
  • la fougnette | #madeinfrance #fabricationfrancaise #madeinardeche #faitmain #lafougnette #sacôtin #chachacha #chat #laurephelipon #coutureaddict… | Instagram
  • la fougnette | #madeinfrance #fabricationfrancaise #madeinardeche #faitmain #lafougnette #sacôtin #chachacha #chat #laurephelipon #coutureaddict… | Instagram
  • Toutes les publications • Instagram
  • Toutes les publications • Instagram
  • Triple pochette ChaChaCha en liège illustré et brodé cousu par Yaya - Patron Sacôtin
  • Toutes les publications • Instagram


The pattern testers DreamTeam : merci to Caro Folies de CajumyChantal Chantal New StyleCyrielle Moonlight ThreadCyrielle Les mains en l’air, Dado Dado Créa, Evelyne l’Atelier d’EveJulia J. l’Atelier 24, Manu, Marie El’En, Marion Mes CreAJe, Nicole L’atelier d’AuO’Kryn O’Kryn Prod, Rozenn Petit monde de RozennSandrine SB créations, Sophie Epik and Laurence La Mercerie des Créateurs.

Thanks also to Maria aka Velosewer for proofreading the English version of the pattern.

Buy the ChaChaCha pattern

You can buy the ChaChaCha pattern in the Boutique (clic).

Necessary supplies are listed under the “supplies” tab there.

This pattern is available as a downloadable pdf only. Help page.

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