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{Tutorial} Pressing faux leather

Tuto repasser du simili cuir
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Pressing faux leather, to open a seam for example, is possible and the end result will be greatly improved, but some precautions are necessary.

So here is a pressing faux leather tutorial.

Necessary precautions

• Set the pressing iron on synthetic and without steam
• Always use a dry pressing cloth between the iron sole and the faux leather.
• Press from the wrong side if possible.
• Always test on a scrap beforehand.

Pressing faux leather tutorial

For this tutorial I’m simply going to press a seam open on a piece of faux leather.

We can see in the pictures below that the appearance of the seam leaves much to be desired if left as is :

Endroit de la couture non ouverte sur du simili
Right side of unpressed faux leather seam
Envers de la couture non ouverte sur du simili
Wrong side of the seam
Step 1 Lay a dry pressing cloth over the faux leather wrong side. If  you want to open a seam, make sure that the seam allowances are opened under the pressing cloth.
Posez un torchon sur votre simili
Lay a dry pressing cloth over the faux leather
Step 2 Press with your iron, set on synthetic and without steam,  for a few seconds (usually 10 to 15 seconds but always test for your faux leather).
Posez le fer sur le torchon quelques secondes
Press for a few seconds

Remove iron and cloth.

Step 3This last little step makes all the difference and will set the seam : While your faux leather is still warm, place a heavy book (dictionary, War and Peace,…) on the faux leather for thirty seconds.

Enlever le torchon et poser un livre lourd sur la couture
Put a heavy book over the pressed seam
Enlevez le livre et surprise !
Take off the book and surprise !


Repeat the steps  for the remaining part of the seam.

Voilà a perfectly pressed faux leather seam for a neat finish !

Tuto repasser du simili cuir
Right side of the faux leather pressed seam
Tuto repasser du simili cuir
Wrong side of the faux leather pressed seam

Other posts about sewing faux leather :

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3 thoughts on “{Tutorial} Pressing faux leather

  1. mmmm I was told to NEVER ever iron faux leather :/

    1. Hi Lydia,
      Sure, you should never lay the iron sole plate directly on faux leather. But with a pressing cloth and the right temperature, it can be done.

  2. This tutorial is incredibly useful for working with faux leather. The step-by-step guidance on pressing techniques helps achieve a professional finish without damage. A must-read for anyone looking to refine their sewing skills with faux leather

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