After several months of preparation, the big day has finally arrived! I am thrilled beyond words (and a little nervous I must admit) to welcome you to Sacôtin and introduce my first bag sewing patterns.
For me, bags are the ultimate accessory, the most enjoyable, the accessory that really shows your personality, that allows you to play with styles, to add a touch of fantasy, to have fun and treat yourself. And, because a bag is useful for carrying around all your bits and bobs, it also needs to be practical!
So I created bags that I would like myself and, having very eclectic taste in bags, you will find a great diversity of patterns.
But without further ado, here are the very first Sacôtin patterns, I hope you like them!
The patterns
Pattern instructions
I wrote the instructions just as I would like to read them myself : I put myself in your shoes. I want clear, illustrated instructions that lead me step by step; thus they are something to which I paid particular attention. The illustrated instructions for the first 4 patterns are, on average, 10 pages long (excluding pattern tiles).
The instructions are available in French and English. To learn more read the FAQ.
For each product page, I also put myself in your shoes, giving the informations I like to have before buying a pattern. You’ll find for each pattern:
- The description of the bag
- The difficulty level
- The dimensions
- Pictures of the bag
- Pictures of the bag worn: for me this is essential as, in my opinion, giving dimensions only isn’t enough.
- A “Your bags” tab, where you’ll be able to see pics of bags made from the pattern.
- A “Add your bag” tab, to allow you to show off your own interpretation.
- A “Supplies” tab, where you’ll find a list of the needed supplies to sew the bag.
Winners of a Sacôtin pattern
Thank you for your support and encouragement during those weeks (months ^^) of preparation. I had announced on Couture Stuff, my personal blog, that I would offer a chance to win four patterns on launch day: two winners being drawn among the Facebook page “fans” and two among the Newsletter subscribers, so here are the winners of a Sacôtin pattern :
Facebook winners :
- Marie-Pierre Bra(…)
- Nora Nel(…)
Newsletter winners :
- gira(…).roseline@orange.fr
- hortense.houe(…)@yahoo.fr
(truncated names and addresses)
Congratulations ! I’m sending the winners a message to let them know.
I will publish on the Blogôtin, in the next few days, posts detailing each pattern. In the meantime, happy (bag) sewing !